The Inclusionary Practices Community Conversation Toolkit is a comprehensive tool that will provide you with step by step guidance allowing you to bring together a team to host your own Inclusionary Practices Community Conversation.
These documents are intended for you to download and follow the steps outlined in the toolkit, and along with the resources on this webpage, to host an Inclusionary Practices Community Conversation in your community.
You will find all of the tools that you need in the documents on this page. |
Directions for Accessing Toolkit Materials:
Questions about the Toolkit? Contact Roots of Inclusion at [email protected]
IPP Community Conversation Toolkit
This toolkit was developed with the intent to provide families, educators, and community members with a set of useable tools to help with planning and hosting a Community Conversation specifically on inclusion.
The document below provides the user with detailed step by step guidance.
The document below provides the user with detailed step by step guidance.
IPP Community Conversation Toolkit Resources to Download
The documents below are for the user to download and use for planning and hosting a Community Conversation on inclusion. Some of the documents are provided as Word documents allowing the user to customize them for their specific event.
Click on the picture of the document that you want to download.
Click on the picture of the document that you want to download.
Community Conversation Planning Tool.
This PDF provides a specific event planning timeline and details of materials needed.
Accessibility Checklist
This PDF provides detailed information related to planning an event that is accessible.
Language Access Resources
This PDF provides language access information and resources for providing for people who speak a primary language other than English.
This PDF provides guidance for providing communication support for people attending an event who speak a primary language other than English.
System Mapping Tool
This PDF provides a map of the different systems that are connected to a Community Conversation about inclusion. It is a tool to help planners identify natural community partners that should be invited to the event.
This Word document, part of the mapping tool, provides a useable tool for identifying natural community partners and their connections to the conversation.
Sample Invitation
This Word document is an Invitation Template for users to download and customize with the details of the event.
Event Protocol with Annotated Agenda
This PDF is an event protocol that provides detailed goals, planning considerations, facilitation strategies, and a complete annotated agenda.
Virtual Event Protocol with Annotated Agenda
This PDF is an event protocol when hosting an online event that provides detailed goals, planning considerations, facilitation strategies and a complete annotated agenda.
Group Agreement Table Tent Print Template
This Word document provides a printable template for a Table Tent that includes the Group Agreements for the participants at the event.
Event Sign In Sheet
This Word document provides a template that can be printed and used at the greeting table for people to sign in when they arrive at the event.
Table Host Guidelines
This Word document provides a customizable guide for table hosts. The user can input details specific to their event.
IPP Community Conversation PowerPoint Slide Deck
This PowerPoint document provides a detailed presentation slide deck complete with speaker notes and aligned with the annotated agenda to provide the user with detailed materials for presenting at the event.
Virtual IPP Community Conversation PowerPoint Slide Deck
This PowerPoint document provides a detailed presentation slide deck to be used in an online event. It is complete with speaker notes and aligned with the virtual event annotated agenda to provide the user with detailed materials for presenting online.
Harvest Tool
This PDF provides the planner with guidance for condensing the key details that come from the conversations at the event and guiding next steps.
Event Evaluation Tools
"Ticket Out the Door"
"Ticket Out the Door"
This PDF provides a printable document to be provided to each participant at the event to complete before leaving. This document serves as the planning teams evaluation tool.
This PDF provides a printable document to be provided to each planning team member at the end of the process.